In 1874 a group of buffalo hunters (28 men and 1 woman) have been settled at the five buildings fort, 15mls north-east of Stinnet.
This fort was attacked by big group of Red Indians large about 700 – 1,200 men on June 27th, 1874. So, here happened the story of „The Billy Dixon Centurie´s Shot“. This Shot had definitelly finished the Red Indians bessiege of the hunters, so it is a great event of the Wild West History. Despite Billy Dixon stated in own life story that was a lucky shot, he is still celebrated for it and up today there are performed the shooting matches in USA, Great Britain, and Slovakia eventhough. The competitors try to present the same skills like Billy.
The bessiege has continued the 3rd day allready. The hunters have being observed the group of Red Indians about 1 mile away from Adobe Walls. It is saying Billy has suddenly borrowed the Sharps 50-90 (Big Fifty) Rifle. He expected he can´t „reach“ this group when used the own 45-90. Billy tried it of Big Fifty and the third shot was succesfull when he shoot down the Warrior from his horse of very near the Quanah Parker Chief. This distance was about one mile! The Indians had finished the bessiege and they leaved the fort area immediatelly after this deadly shot.
When the clashes had finished the buffalo hunters get meassured the shot distance where Red Indian had fallen down. They confirmed it was 1538 yards (1406 m) exactly.
The Shooters are formated in one line (line – up). Each shooter has 30 sec. for one particular shoot, the shooting order is one – by – one, and the total shot number for one shooter is 10.
Every shooting posittion is allowed. When shooter uses the supportive fork (cross-stick) here is allowed double-pod only (no prone allowed). The distance on the target is 1406m.
The examination:
Here is allowed the observer for each shooter. However, two spotters are to be hidden near of the targets, they report the surface impacts or target hits by radio.
The issue of technician support is put on each match openly, for example in USA is allowed to state two microphones (stereo) behind every target and camera in front of targets.
The targets:
The target is alike the group of three Red Indians settled own horses in real meassures (see the picture bellow).
The Weapons:
Any traditional single-shot or lever action rifle, .375 caliber or larger (lever actions must be single loaded).
Any traditional Single-shot, percussian breech loading or lever action rifle(lever action must be loaded single) with outer hammer, pre-1899 designed. Original or replica.
The sights – as mechanical or optical designed in 19th Century.
The Ammunition:
Cal .375 or larger. Cast lead bullets lubricated traditionally are only allowed to use. Gas checks ok.
The bullets coated by any material as metalic and chamical are strictly forbidden!
Any substitution of blacke powder is forbidden!
The Categories:
Black powder
Optical sights
Original military rifle
Pressburg Legends - since 2009